Contents 1 (70) 2015




Conservative dentistry


4 Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobic therapies in complex treatment of diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. E.N. Silantyeva, N.V. Berezina, S.M. Krivonos

9 Complex therapy of the glossalgia of women in menopause. E.A. Amatuni


Surgical dentistry


14 The feasibility of submucosal wiring method’s application in periodontal flap surgery. A.V. Kazakova, V.P. Jhuravlev

18 Tooth reconstruction and intraosseous fixation for replantation teeth. A.V. Ivashchenko, D.V. Monakov, V.A. Monakov, I.M. Bayrikov




22 Multivariate statistical method of identification of risk factors for abnormalities of teeth and jaws in children. E.A. Oleynik, B.V. Trifonov, E.G. Denisova, M.P. Pogrebnaja, G.P. Gunkina

24 Study of clinical and histological features of gingivitis in children. А.А. Pavlov, V.M. Vodolatskiy




30 The condition of periodontium with patients having superinvasive opisthorchiasis in the hyperendemic circumstances (The Middle Ob region). L.A. Ivanova, E.D. Khadieva, I.V. Ivanov, V.G. Bychkov

34 Dental disease of young workers factory towns with hazardous working conditions. E.E. Olesov, E.Y. Khavkina, V.D. Reva, A.E. Olesov, R.M. Khamzatov, D.A. Bronshtein, S.A. Zaslavskiy


Prosthetic dentistry


36 The use of the minor diameter implants as support for immediate functional load by individual crowns in narrow mezio-distal distances between teeth and of vestibulo-oral deficit of bone tissue. A.I. Korolev, O.A. Petrikas


Aesthetic stomatology


40 Analysis of the efficiency of treatment of patients with discoloured teeth using photowhitening system teeth “ZOOM-3” and indications for selection of оrthopedic treatments. C.Ju. Maksjukov, O.I. Shahbazov, L.A. Krajnjukova, A.S. Ivanov, A.A. Demidova, Е.S. Maksjukovа




46 Clinic and treatment of patients with mesial occlusion of the dentition III degree. V.M. Vodolatsky, S.M. Tumanian

50 Justification the use of personal hygiene “Parodontax” in therapy and prevention of gingivitis in orthodontic treatment. R.V. Ushakov, N.B. Eliseeva, V.N. Tsarev, Y.V. Pavlovskaya, E.E. Shamikova




58 XII All-Russian theoretical and practical conference “Education, science and practice in stomatology” and exhibition “Dental Review—2015”

60 Ball of the stomatologist—2015

61 World Oral Health Day—2015

62 Rewarding at the business community party
