Received 08/07/2023
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2023-4(105)16-19
The general medical approach in dentistry: the competitive advantage of the clinic, improving the quality of patient care, the evidence of the doctor’s skill.
Boiko V.V.
Interregional public organization Piter’s Academy of Sciences and Arts
191002, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Raz’yezzhaya st., 9
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In complex clinical cases, dentists join forces to draw up a collegial (interdisciplinary, comprehensive) treatment plan, but even here the traditional paradigm operates, limited to the elimination of violations in the oral cavity. Further progress in dentistry is possible with the transition to the paradigm of “Taking care of health in general” – HEALTH CARE. The ability to perform a GENERAL MEDICAL (multidisciplinary) treatment plan comes to the fore of improving the skills of dentists and their interaction with patients.
Key words: development of dentistry, breakthrough ideas, the paradigm of dental care, general medical plan, general health, guarantees, staff training.
For citation: Boiko V.V. The general medical approach in dentistry: the competitive advantage of the clinic, improving the quality of patient care, the evidence of the doctor’s skill. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2023; no.4(105): 16-19 (in Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2023-4(105)16-19
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