Received 08/11/2023
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2023-4(105)04-09
Assessment of the pH value of the acid-base balance of
the oral fluid in patients before the application of orthodontic
devices, after three and six months of treatment
with removable and non-removable equipment made of
different materials
Kosyreva T.F., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4333-5735,
Almasri R., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3209-266X,
Gorshunova N.V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9145-4435,
Voeykova O.V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2935-8965,
Alhamzah G., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3279-4119
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Department of
Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6
Hardware orthodontic treatment with intraoral devices
made of various materials can contribute to the development
of an imbalance of a number of chemical elements in the
body, as well as their redistribution in the oral fluid. These
changes affect the metabolic processes of both essential
(vital) and toxic trace elements that can accumulate in the
body, as well as affect the hydrogen pH of the oral fluid.
Research objective. To investigate the hydrogen index of
acid-base balance of oral fluid in patients before and during
orthodontic treatment with various equipment in
Materials and methods. The pH of the oral fluid was
measured in all patients participating in the study using a
pH-meter manufactured in the Russian Federation. In addition,
the pH of the oral fluid was checked by special diagnostic
litmus strips with their color change depending on
the acid-base balance of the patient’s oral fluid.
The study of the hydrogen index of oral fluid using laboratory
diagnostic methods was carried out in 40 patients, 20
of them male, 20 females, aged 18 to 25 years (average age
22.4 ± 2.8 years) with dental anomalies without periodontal
pathology before the application of orthodontic devices
made of various materials. In groups 1 “a”, “b” and “c”, 20
patients each, n=20), the pH of the oral fluid was studied in
dynamics: before the application of the bracket system
(group 1 “a”, n=20), after three months of treatment with
fixed metal bracket system equipment (group 1 “b”, n=20)
and after six months of hardware correction in dynamics
(group 1 “b”, n=20). Patients of groups 2 “a”, “b” and “c”, 20
patients each in dynamics were treated with a system of
removable thermoplastic 3D aligners made of polypropylene
glycol: before application, after three months and after six
months of hardware correction.
Results and discussion. The results showed that in
patients of groups 1 “a” and 2 “a” with dental anomalies,
the hydrogen index of the oral fluid did not statistically differ
before the application of orthodontic equipment made
of various materials: on average, it was 7.4 units of a
slightly alkaline reaction, and corresponded to the upper
limit of the reference pH values of the physiological norm.
There are certain differences between the pH shifts of the
oral fluid in different study groups in the age category of
18-25 years, after applying orthodontic equipment in
dynamics from different materials. If patients in groups 1
“b” and 1 “c” clearly have a pH close to neutral and slightly
acidic reaction, then in groups 2 “b” and 2 “c” a neutral shift
in the pH of the oral fluid, taken as normal, is much more
Conclusion. The instrumental treatment of dental
anomalies with a non-removable metal bracket system
with NiTi arches compared to the system of removable 3D
aligners made of propylene glycol is accompanied by a
decrease in the acid-base balance of the oral fluid, which
may occur due to the deterioration of oral hygiene conditions
in the presence of retention points of braces with
plaque deposition.
Keywords: hydrogen pH of the oral fluid, malocclusion.
For citation: Kosyreva T.F., Almasri R., Gorshunova N.V.,
Voeykova O.V., Alhamzah G. Assessment of the pH value of
the acid-base balance of the oral fluid in patients before the
application of orthodontic devices, after three and six
months of treatment with removable and non-removable
equipment made of different materials. Stomatology for All
/ Int. Dental Review. 2023; no.4(105): 4-9 (in Russian).
doi: 10.35556/idr-2023-4(105)4-9

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