Received 01/07/2021
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2021-3(96)27-31

Myofunctional parameters in patients using full removable dentures with progenic and prognathic ratio of the anterior segments of the edentulous jaws
Aksenov D.I., ORCID: 0000-0003-1503-4978, Mayboroda Yu.N., Bragin E.A., Aksenov I.N.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Stavropol State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
355017, Russia, Stavropol, 310 Mira str.

The aim study was to construct artificial dentitions based on the method of mathematical modeling with the progenic and prognatic ratios of toothless frontal segments and to analyze the functional activity of the masticatory muscles in patients using dentures made in this way, compared with standard prosthetic structures.
To compare and interpret the data obtained, electromyographic studies were performed in the control group (16 people), whose teeth were made using the traditional method, and the main group (22 people), whose artificial teeth were formed according to individual mathematical calculations, taking into account the size of the sagittal gap of the frontal segments of the progenic and prognatic ratio of toothless jaws.
Statistical processing of the results of the electro-myographic study was carried out using the Statistica application software package. The digital data were processed by the method of variational statistics using the Student’s t-test.
The analysis of the obtained data showed the advantages of using individual mathematical calculations when solving the issue of tactics for constructing dentitions in the frontal segment of toothless jaws, taking into account the degree of the sagittal gap in the progenic and prognatic correlation of the jaws and their possible combinations.

Keywords: complete loss of teeth, progeny, prognathia, electromyography, chewing muscles.

For citation: Aksenov D.I., Mayboroda Yu.N., Bragin E.A., Aksenov I.N. Myofunctional parameters in patients using full removable dentures with progenic and prognathic ratio of the anterior segments of the edentulous jaws. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2021, no.3(96): 27-31 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2021-3(96)27-31

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