DOI: 10.35556/idr-2020-1(90)34-42

Theoretical and practical aspects of the adaptation of patients with full adentia to removable dental prosthesis

Galonsky V.G., Tarasova N.V., Surdo E.S., Chernov V.N., Gradoboev A.V.

In the article provides modern and fundamental scientific literature dataas a basis of the analysis for further discussion of theoretical aspects of the issue of patients’ adaptation to dental orthopedic structures in general and complete removable dentures in particular. The main vectors of this problem are outlined in terms of the time-based physiological bases of patients’ adaptation to dental prostheses. The importance degrees in the adaptation process of various factors are indicated, the leading one of which is the psychological component of this process, which largely determines the success, aesthetic and functional effectiveness of orthopedic dental treatment. A practical step-by-step algorithm for the psychological preparation of patients for the difficulties encountered after the manufacture of complete removable dentures developed by the authors is presented, which allows to effectively solve the practical aspect of the issue of adaptation after orthopedic dental treatment.

Keywords: adaptation, complete removable dentures, full adentia, orthopedic dental treatment.

For citation: Galonsky V.G., Tarasova N.V., Surdo E.S., Chernov V.N., Gradoboev A.V. Theoretical and practical aspects of the adaptation of patients with full adentia to removable dental prosthesis. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2019; No.4(89); 34-42 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2019-4(89)34-42

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