DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-4(89)46-50.
Root resorption in orthodontic treatment with application of aligners. A retrospective study using cone-beam computed tomography
Pilipenko N.D., Maksyukov S.Yu.
Rostov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don
344022, Russia, Rostov-na-Donu, Per. Nakhichevanskiy, 29

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The aim of this work is to study the coverage and severity of the inflammatory resorption of the root of the maxillary incisors caused by orthodontic treatment with aligners using CBCT to determine possible risk factors.
Measurement of the length of the root of the maxillary incisors was carried out on orthodontic images of CBCT in the pre- and post-therapeutic periods in 80 patients who received complex orthodontic treatment with aligners The average value of the absolute reduction of the root length varied between 0.47±.061 mm and 0.55±0.70 mm, and the difference between the central and lateral upper incisors was not significant. The defeat of the root reduction of more than 25%, amounted to 1.25% of cases. Potential risk factors included gender, malocclusion, crowding of teeth, and the approach of the tops of the roots of the teeth to the cortical plate in the post-therapeutic period.
Complex treatment with aligners gives minimal root resorption. Sex, malocclusion, crowding of teeth, and the approach of the tops of the roots of the teeth to the cortical plate in the post-therapeutic period significantly affect the likelihood of changes in the length of the root.

root resorption, orthodontic treatment with application of aligners, maxillary incisors.

For citation: Pilipenko N.D., Maksyukov S.Yu. Root resorption in orthodontic treatment with application of aligners. A retrospective study using cone-beam computed tomography. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2019; No.4(89); 46-50
(In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2019-4(89) 46-50

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