Received 07.01.2022
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2022-2(99)18-24

X-ray features of congenital deformities of the facial bones
Arzhantsev A.P.
National Medical Research Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Russia, Moscow, 119021, Timura Frunze St., 16

Е-mail address:

Radiological manifestations of congenital deformities of the maxillofacial region were studied in 650 patients. We used data of teleradiography of the skull, orthopantomography, panoramic zonography middle area of the facial section of the skull and temporomandibular joints, cone-beam and multislice computed tomography.
According to the type of radiological manifestations, congenital deformities of the maxillofacial region are divided into 3 main types: clefts of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and palate, isolated or combined deformation of the jaws, deformation of the facial and brain skull.
Clefts of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and palate are accompanied by deformity of the nasal cavity, the upper jaw and its dentition, malocclusion, and compensatory changes in the lower jaw. The combined deformation of the jaws are characterized by a variety of radiological manifestations, they are often accompanied by deformation of the other divisions of the skull. The most complex pathology associated with pronounced changes in the size and configuration of the bones are combined deformities of the facial and cerebral skull.
We presented data on the occurrence of the studied types of congenital deformities, which are discussed with specific examples of their radiographic features.
It is shown that X-ray diagnostics of congenital deformities of the dentoalveolar system, the entire facial skeleton, including in combination with the cerebral part of the skull, can be objectively carried out by means of radiological techniques that are common in practice, in addition to which it is advisable to use CT.

Keywords: congenital deformities, cleft of alveolar process, upper and lower jaw, facial bones, skull, x-ray examination.

For citation: Arzhantsev A.P. X-ray features of congenital deformities of the facial bones. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2022, no.2(99): 18-24 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2022-2(99)18-24


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