DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-3(88)32-37
Questionnaire validation for the evaluation of patients satisfaction with chronic generalized periodontitis physiotherapeutic treatment
Lyubomirsky G.B., Redinova T.L.
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Udmurt republic, Kommunarov St., 281

This article assesses the reliability, constructive validity and reproducibility of a special questionnaire for determining the quality parameters of rendering physiotherapeutic care to patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. The analysis of literary sources showed that there are studies of quality of dental services, however, we have not met with research into the quality and comfort of physiotherapy procedures for periodontal patients. At the same time, the importance of this issue is obvious and requires study and analysis. Without making judgments about the quality of the service, a full-fledged medical dental procedure can not take place. The assortment of physical devices and methods grows annually, their use in the periodontoloical treatment is not always sufficiently justified, the effectiveness is not always confimed therefore it is important to pay attention not only to the marketing efforts directed by the clinics for comfort, but also to analyze the ideas about the quality of the clinical characteristics of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Keywords: periodontal diseases, physiotherapy, chronic generalized periodontitis, diode laser, ozone generator.

For citation: Lyubomirsky G.B., RedinovaT.L. Questionnaire validation for the evaluation of patients satisfaction with chronic generalized periodontitis physiotherapeutic treatment. Stomatology for All / International Dental Review. 2019; No.3(88): 32-37 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2019-3(88) 32-37

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