Received 17.01.2022
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2022-1(98)25-33
The results of using various methods of bone grafting in the oral cavity. Local bone modeling
Polupan P.V.¹ , ²,Sipkin A.M.¹
¹ Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Insitute ( MONIKI )
129090, Russia, Moscow, Ulitsa Shchepkina, 61/2
² GAUZ MO “Moscow regional dental clinic”
129090, Russia, Moscow, Ulitsa Shchepkina, 61/2, bldg.1
Е-mail address:
The purpose of the article was to study the results of using various methods of bone grafting in preparation for dental implantation and the success factors of these surgical interventions.
Material and methods. The results of 314 osteoplastic surgeries were evaluated. The patients were divided into 4 groups according to the performed bone grafting operations: guided bone regeneration (GBR); bone block transplantation (BBT); open sinus lift (OSL); local bone modification (LMB). Complications and results of surgical interventions were evaluated.
Results. Significant and critical complications were more common during GBR (61.7% and 21.28%, respectively) and BBT
(28.57%) surgeries. After evaluating the outcomes of osteoplastic operations, it was found that the acceptable result of OSL operations was 93.27%, LMB — 88.43%; while an unacceptable result during the operations of the GBR was noted in 76.59%, and in the BBT — 57.14%. To describe the configuration of atrophy (defect), the concept of the W-factor (factor of the number of walls) is introduced.
Conclusions. The study demonstrates the clinical value and efficacy of various bone grafting techniques. The results of the analysis of the outcomes of osteoplastic surgeries in the oral cavity indicate a significant percentage of unsuccessful outcomes of osteoplastic surgeries of GBR (76.59%) and BBT (57.14%). According to the authors, this is due to a number of factors, the main of which is the number of existing bone walls of the defect (atrophy), its volume and the state of the periosteum in the area of osteoplastic surgery.
Keywords: atrophy of the alveolar process, bone grafting, complications, sinus lifting, local bone modification, factors of the risks.
For citation: Polupan P.V., Sipkin A.M. The results of using various methods of bone grafting in the oral cavity. Local bone modeling. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2022, no.1(98): 25-33 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2022-1(98)25-33
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