
Contents, abstracts and references № 4 (93) 2020



4 The Classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions — 2018. Advantages and disadvantages. Part 2. Grudyanov A.I., Fomenko E.V.More
12 Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Samusenkov V.O., Tsarev V.N., Ippolitov E.V., Yumashev A.V., Yudin I.A. More

Maxillofacial surgery
16 The recurrence rate of pleomorphic adenoma in the long-term follow-up according to the clinic of maxillofacial surgery Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Yaremenko A.I., Kutukova S.I., Arutyunyan G.G., Petrov N.L. More
22 Changes in the parameters of nasal breathing and parameters of the upper respiratory tract during orthognathic operations in patients with II and III skeletal class of jaw anomalies. Gammadaeva S.Sh., Misirkhanova M.I., Drobyshev A.Yu.More

Preventive dentistry
28 Efficiency of the concept of prevention and treatment of dental diseases in persons with occupational stressful loads. Olesov E.E., Turkina O.Yu., Zaslavsky S.A., Fazylova T.A., Olesova V.N., Yarilkina S.P., Sinyakov A.N. More

Prosthetic dentistry
34 Results of studying the dimensional accuracy of the bases of complete removable prostheses made using 3D printing and traditional technologies. Vokulova Yu.A., Zhulev E.N. More
40 Possibilities and prospects in early orthopaedic rehabilitation of children with ectodermal dysplasia and congenital edentulism. clinical features and practical experience. Galonsky V.G., Tarasova N.V., Surdo E.S., Gradoboev A.V.More

Conservative dentistry
51 Research of matrix metalloproteinases in therapeutic dentistry. Shalamay L.I., Nechai E.Yu., Sakerina A.I., Gabdullin A.G.More
58 Experimental studies of optical properties of hard tissues of anterior teeth and modern synthetic filling materials. Kuzmina D.A., Mendosa E.Yu., Maiorov E.E., Narushak N.S., Sakerina A.I., Shalamay L.I.More

63 Anniversary of Academician N.D. Yushchuk
63 A memorial plaque in memory of Professor Yu.M. Maksimovsky was opened More
