DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)12-15

Maximovskaya L.N.1, Kulikov G.V.2
1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Russia Moscow
2 OOO “Doramedservice”, Russia Moscow
E-mail: m.a.
The authors of this article conducted an investigation of functional condition of masseter muscles using elec-tromyography in patients with chronical periodontitis in case of different type of partial secondary adentia. Ana-lyzing the results of electromyography statistically sig-nificant differences were found between the studied in-dexes in patients with mild and moderate chronical peri-odontitis in case of different type of partial secondary adentia in comparison with the control group that includ-ed patients with absence dentition defects. Electromyo-graphical investigation in patients with mild and moder-ate chronical periodontitis in case of different type of partial secondary adentia 6 and 12 months after the complex treatment suggested persistent positive chang-es in functional activity of masticatory muscles.

Keywords: chronical periodontitis, partial secondary adentia, superficial electromyography.

For citation: Maximovskaya L.N., Kulikov G.V. Ap-plication of electromyography in diagnostic of patients with chronical periodontitis in case of different type of partial secondary adentia. Stomatology for All / Int. Den-tal Review. 2019; 2 (87); 12—15.

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