DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)42-46.

Structural and functional changes in the nasal and upper lip zone of adult patients with congenital cleft lip and palette and their quality of life after the treatment in an early age

Kovalenko K.Yu., Semyonov M.G.

The authors suggest a system of criteria for as-sessing residual and secondary deformities of the nose, upper lip and oral cavity of adult patients with a cleft lip and palate after surgical treatment in childhood.
The results of a survey in a group of such patients using the proposed system, as well as the results of studying the level of their quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire, the “Subjective control level” question-naire and interviewing are presented.
Recommendations for further treatment tactics are given.

Keywords: residual and secondary deformations, cleft lip and palate, assessment system, medical reha-bilitation, follow up, quality of life.

For citation: Kovalenko K.Yu., Semyonov M.G. Structural and functional changes in the nasal and up-per lip zone of adult patients with cleft lip and palate and their quality of life after the treatment in an early age. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2019; 2 (87): 42—46.DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)42-46.
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