DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)48-53.

Katkova V.I., Golubev E.A.
Institut of geology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia

In this review paper, features of the hierarchical or-ganization of enamel elements of human teeth at macro, micro and submicron levels are shown. At the macro-structural level, the spherulite-zonal structure of the enamel apatite is due to the radial arrangement of prisms and semi-concentric bands (Retzius surfaces). For the first time, complex types of subordinate struc-tures of the structural order of subelements in enamel prisms have been established. The basic microstructural element of the enamel — prism can be represented in the form of a biocomposite composed of co-ordinated systems in the following sequence: globular nanoparti-cles → nanofibrils → subindivids → chain aggregates of subindivids → blocks → filamentary crystal (enamel prism). Unified structure-forming tendencies of the apa-tite enamel and of abiogenic natural mineral structures have been noted.

Keywords: enamel prism, apatite, structural ele-ments, crystal, subindivids.

For citation: Katkova V.I., Golubev E.A. Multilevel composition of the enamel apatite of human teeth (in the context of biomineralogy). Stomatology for All / Interna-tional Dental Review. 2019; 2 (87): 48—53 (in Russ.).
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