DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)22-24.

Organizational and legal aspects of adverse outcomes in the provision of dental care
Butenko O.G., Topolnitsky O.Z., Romodanovsky P.O.
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Russia, Moscow


The articleprovides an analysis of resolutions for dental malpractice claims and forensic medical examinations of adverse outcomes resulting from dental treatment. Recommendations are given on how to reduce adverse outcome risks and the number of patient complaints.

Keywords: defects in medical care, dentistry, medical error, forensic medical examination.

For citation: Butenko O.G., Topolnitsky O.Z., Romodanovsky P.O. Organizational and legal aspects of adverse outcomes in the provision of dental care. Stomatology for All / Internationl Dental Review. 2019; no. 2 (87): 22—24 (in Russ.).
16—21 (in Russ.).DOI: 10.35556/idr-2019-2(87)22-24.

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