DOI: 10.35556/idr-2020-2(91)36-44

Typical errors when performing intraoral periapical x-rays, and their effect on image quality
Arzhantsev A.P.
Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Moscow, Russia

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During the study, intraoral periapical images were analyzed in 300 patients. The possibilities of using the methods of radiography and their influence on the quality of the obtained x-ray images were studied. The intraoral periapical radiography was compared with the results of orthopantomography and cone beam computed tomography. To identify the features of the mapping of zones of periapical destruction, 47 experimental x-ray studies were performed on skeletonized jaws with artificial defects in cortical plates.
Often encountered errors are: an arbitrary choice of angles of inclination and the centration of the x-ray tube, the wrong location of the x-ray receiver in the patient’s mouth, inaccurate installation or poor fixation of the patient’s head, inefficient selection of physical and technical conditions of shooting, non-compliance with the conditions of the photo process with analog radiography or post-processing and printing digital image.
The characteristic projection distortions of images resulting from these errors are analyzed and illustrated.

Keywords: periapical x-rays, dentoalveolar region, x-ray tube, x-ray receiver, errors, image.

For citation: Arzhantsev A.P. Typical errors when performing intraoral periapical x-rays, and their effect on image quality. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2020; No.1(90); 36-44 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2020-1(90)36-44

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