DOI: 10.35556/idr-2020-2(91)4-11
Gingiva microhemocircualtion of alveolar processes of maxilla in patients with apparently healthy maxillary antrum and associated with chronic odontogenic polypus maxillary sinusitis
Artushenko N.K., Associate Professor of Maxillofacial and Dental Surgery Department named after A.A. Limberg at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 191015, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya St., 41
Rybalchenko D.S., AVALON Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Center, 193168, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Podvoyskogo St., 26-3
Mironuk O.N., Apollonia Dental Clinic LLC, 197110, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Ropshinskaya St, 18
E-mail address:
Conducted a clinical research of tissues in maxillofacial area of patients with maxillary sinusitis confirmed based on X-ray diagnostics and patients without it. Cone beam computed tomography of maxillary antrum and ultrasonic dopplerography of microcirculatory vessels of alveolar ridge mucosa on computer-operated ultrasonic system MM-D-K of SP Minimax, St. Petersburg, were used in the research.
It is established that as a result of continuous chronic polypoid changes of upper layers of maxillary antrum mucosa and compression of stroma polypuses with microcirculatory vessels in them, compensatory increase of microvascular blood flow in alveolar process mucosa is developed. Absence of deficit in blood supply in patients with polypus maxillary sinusitis makes it possible to successfully perform surgical operation on alveolar process and maxillary antrum mucosa for these patients.
Keywords: mucosa, microhemocirculation, dopplerography, cone beam computed tomography, maxilla, subantral augmentation, polypus.
For citation: Artushenko N.K., Rybalchenko D.S., Mironuk O.N. Gingiva microhemocircualtion of alveolar processes of maxilla in patients with apparently healthy maxillary antrum and associated with chronic odontogenic polypus maxillary sinusitis. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2020; no.2(91);4-11 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2020-2(91)4-11
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