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Received 05.04.2021
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2021-2(95)52-58
Signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in individuals with different dentition defects and unequal preservation of antagonist pairs of teeth
Redinov I.S.1, ORCID:, Pylaeva Ye.A.1, Strakh O.O.1, ORCID: ttps://, Lysenko B.A.2, ORCID:
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Izhevsk State Medical Academy” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, St. Kommunarov, 281 2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of
Higher Education “Kazan Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Russia, 420012, Kazan, St. Butlerova, 49
E-mail address:
As a result of examination and questionnaire of 143 patients who applied for orthopedic treatment of defects of teeth and dental rows, it was found that signs of dysfunction of temporomandibular joint with preserved dental rows are diagnosed in 36—55% cases, and with defects of dental rows — in 45—90% cases.
The absence of eighth teeth in the dental row does not significantly change the functional state of the dental-jaw system. A statistically significant frequency of signs of EHS dysfunction has been identified among individuals having terminal dentition defects.In patients with terminal dentition defects, each 3rd patient is diagnosed with cochleovestibular syndrome, and in each 2nd, sounds are determined in the area of VNHS when the lower jaw moves.
It has been found that if 15—13 and 12—11 pairs of antagonist teeth are preserved, the signs of dysfunction are determined in 55—45% cases, if the number of teeth having antagonists is reduced to 10—5 (in 90.0% these are patients with preserved 7—8 pairs of antagonist teeth), then the frequency of dysfunction signs increases to
75.0% (t1-3=1.33; t2-3=2.00), in such patients significantly more often — in 75.0% of cases, mandibular deviation is diagnosed when opening and closing the mouth than in persons with a large number of preserved antagonist teeth, respectively 55.0% (t=2.66) and 45.0% (t=3.93) in 1 and 2 groups.
Thus, the identification of such signs as crunching, clicking in the joints, hearing loss or tinnitus, suggests the presence of intra-articular disorders in such patients. The deviation of the jaw from its main trajectory when opening the mouth indicates the possible involvement of the masticators muscles in the pathological process. All this requires the dentist to carry out early diagnosis and timely orthopedic treatment.
Keywords: dysfunction of temporomandibular joint, dentition defects.
For citation: Redinov I.S., Pylaeva Ye.A., Strakh O.O., Lysenko B.A. Signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in individuals with different dentition defects and unequal preservation of antagonist pairs of teeth. Stomatology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2021, no.2(95): 52-58 (In Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2021-2(95)52-58
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