Contents, abstracts and references № 2 (95) 2021
Digital technologies in stomatology
4 Comparative evaluation of the manufacturing time of arch prosthesis frames created using traditional and digital technologies. Vokulova Y.A., Zhulev E.N.
8 Application of the OccluSense apparatus for occlusive diagnostics. Lebedenko I.Yu., Bykova M.V., Vafin S.M., Urusov E.K.
Conservative dentistry
14 Comparative microbiological study of methods of using Metrogyl Dent gel in the treatment of periodontitis. Popov A.A., Volkov A.G., Olesov E.E., Dikopova N.Zh., Zaslavsky S.A.
18 Dental mask of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Smirnova T.A., Novozhilova O.A., Kochubeynik A.V., Smirnov D.V.
24 Influence of preheating on the properties of composite filling material. Systematic literature review. Khabadze Z.S., Generalova Yu.A., Negorelova Ya.A., Abdulkerimova S.M.
33 Experience of the use of high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. Gatilo I.A., Kobylkina T.L., Perikova M.G., Bragin A.E.
38 Results of clinical and laboratory research in the complex treatment of mild chronic periodontitis using photodynamic therapy. Samusenkov V.O., Tsarev V.N., Ippolitov E.V., Podporin M.S., Grishaeva K.A.
Aesthetic stomatology
42 Comparative analysis of the results of determining the color of the tooth by visual and instrumental methods. Shcherbakov M.V., Bayrikov A.I.
45 Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of dental health of the adult population living in various climatogeographic zones of rural areas of the Republic of Dagestan. Abdulmedjidova D.M., Magomedov M.A., Rasulov I.M., Gadjiev A.R.
52 Signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in individuals with different dentition defects and unequal preservation of antagonist pairs of teeth. Redinov I.S., Pylaeva Ye.A., Strakh O.O., Lysenko B.A.
59 L.N. Maximovskaya
60 Network of dental clinics “Doctor Martin”