Received 10.12.2024
DOI: 10.35556/idr-2025-1(110)30-34
Comparison of the prevalence, intensity of major dental diseases and the need for treatment among workers with dangerous and normal working conditions at Kalinin NPP.
Egorova Ya.A.1, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3835-8513, SPIN-код: 3049-6430
Olesov E.E.1, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9165-2554
Zaslavsky S.A.3, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2217-8745, SPIN-код: 325398
Andreeva I.L.2, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3094-8885
Salagaev A.R. 4, ORCID ID: 0009-0002-9836-5798
1 Academy of Postgraduate Education FNCC FMBA of Russia, 115682, Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, 28
2 Biomedical University of Innovation and Continuing Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “SSC RF – Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan” FMBA of Russia, 123098, Mos-cow, Pictorial Street, 46
3 FGBOU DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Con-tinuing Professional Education”, 125993, Moscow, 2/1 Barricadnaya str., building 1.
4 FGBUZ CMSU No. 141 FMBA Russia
171841, Tver region, Udomlya, 13, Enthusiastov str.
Dangerous working conditions associated with working with radioactive sources are characterized by a certain stress, which can affect the state of the body, in particular, the dental system. Currently, the relevance of comparative studies of dental morbidity in workers with dangerous and normal working conditions is in-creasing in connection with the development of the country’s nuclear energy complex and the improvement of the organization of medical care for the working pop-ulation.
The purpose of the study: a standardized compari-son of indicators of dental morbidity in workers from the Kalinin NPP and residents of the adjacent city of Udom-lya.
Research material and methods: using a modified WHO Dental Status Assessment Card (1995), a clinical and X-ray examination of 216 employees from UOT KAES and 246 residents of Udomlya in the key age group of 35–44 years was conducted. Dangerous work-ing conditions are caused by working with radiation sources in combination with height, confined space, and vibration. The analysis was carried out according to the examination and orthopantomography data.
Results: compared with those working under normal conditions, workers with CAES OT have a more signifi-cant intensity of periodontal diseases (CPI 4,9 ± 0,4 and 4,6 ± 0,3); detection of poor oral hygiene (48,6 % and 40,2 %) and diseases of the oral mucosa (18,6 % and 15,1 %); non-carious lesions due to wedge-shaped defects and enamel erasure (31,9 % and 28,5 %), signs of TMJ dysfunction (17,6 % and 14,2 %). The current need for the treatment of caries, periodontal diseases and orthopedic treatment does not have a significant difference between workers with OT and among the population of the city. However, the difference was rec-orded when comparing the number of required special-ists (a difference of 9,1 %).
Conclusion: It is possible that the revealed differ-ences are related to the stress of dangerous working conditions in relation to the musculoskeletal complex of the dental system and with insufficient motivation of employees to maintain oral hygiene and dental health. Dangerous working conditions of nuclear power plants do not affect the prevalence of caries and periodontal diseases, as well as the intensity of caries.
Keywords: workers, dangerous conditions, popula-tion, dental morbidity
For citation: Egorova Ya.A., Olesov E.E., Zaslav-sky S.A., Andreeva I.L., Salagaev A.R. Comparison of the prevalence, intensity of major dental diseases and the need for treatment among workers with dangerous and normal working conditions at kalinin NPP. Stoma-tology for All / Int. Dental Review. 2025; no. 1 (110): 30–34 (in Russian). doi: 10.35556/idr-2025-1(110)30-34
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